Sunday, November 06, 2005

I feel like a kid going to the first day of school

So like I have been out here for exactly 1 month and 1 day now and tomorrow, I finally start my job out here. Its going to be a really good job. I will work for a company called Portfolio Recovery Associates. Its collections and all, but I have worked in this type of job for a long time so it really doesn't scare me. Plus when your making good money, hmmph you can deal with stuff.

Since I have moved out here I have been attending my parents ward each sunday. But for the last two weeks I have driven out aways and checked out a different singles ward each week. I think I have found a winner. I know yall must be thinkin, "oh well, I guess he found a ward with some hotties in it." Well that is true, but it also just feels like a ward that I can fit into well. It's out in Virginia Beach, so it's like 30 minutes from my house. So I'll just go have to keep seeing if its really worth the drive each week.

Well nothing more to say but I am excited for work tomorrow.

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