Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Is there something seem to not belong in this room or is it just me....

Well it is me. Being the 1 out of the 2 white people in a class of 22 definitely makes me feel awkward sometimes. Then even looking at the 1 out of 2; 1) the other white guy is very wierd and I don't like associating with him and 2) I am only half white.

This job though, if I do it right, is going to make me a lot of money if I do it right. Plus, out of 900 people I am the only one that speaks japanese, so all the japanese clients (few but some) will be mine when they call in. meaning, I make the money on it. Today while listening to some of the announcements, the average bonus check was around $1000 with several over $2000. Trust me I counted those zero's right. Also one of the other perks of working here is also going to be the big party in january. Let's just say, I could rent a tux for it.

That basically has been my life for the last two days. Oh ya and driving home across the James River Bridge at 5:10pm into the sunset is a site to see. I need sleep now.

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